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Mother's Day gifts


Celebrate your love and appreciation with a timeless, cherished gift from John Atencio.

Try on some stopping power

At John Atencio, we create bold statement pieces – wearable art, designed and crafted by hand from the finest materials, all with impeccable attention to detail. The architecture of each piece provides a unique opportunity to make a stunning statement from every perspective. Fluid form. Bold lines. Balanced dimension. After all, what good is wearing something fantastic if it never gets noticed?

Shop new Havana collection

Introducing HAVANA.

Introducing Havana: a masterful blend of heritage and innovation. Inspired by the vibrant streets and rich history of Cuba, this collection offers elegance, sophistication, and timeless beauty in 14-karat gold and diamonds.

UNIQUELY YOURS. Our Birthstone Collection.

Mark the occasion this Mother’s Day with a truly personalized birthstone gift from John Atencio. Discover the rich hues of Antigua and all our latest Birthstone styles. 

Explore The Antigua Collection Shop Birthstone Gifts
Graduation Gifts - jewelry

Mark the Milestone. Celebrate Graduation.

Celebrate their achievement with a keepsake from John Atencio. Our curated selection of Graduation gifts brings the unparalleled artistry and meticulous craftsmanship that define John Atencio.


Build your men’s wedding band with our new John Atencio Ring Builder. Our innovative new platform allows you to easily design a one-of-a-kind wedding ring that reflects your taste and your lifestyle.  

Build your own Men's Wedding Band Shop Men's Wedding Bands
Shop Favorite Diamond Designs

The Dazzling Allure of Diamonds.

Celebrate the April birthstone with a brilliant diamond design by John Atencio. Each diamond-rich style reflects John’s hand-sketched artistry
and unparalleled commitment to responsible sourcing.

John Atencio Engagement Rings

John Atencio Engagement

Each John Atencio engagement ring is an artistic love story, made to stand out. The beauty of each ring is in the uniquely inspired, hand-sketched design and the time-honored commitment to exceptional quality.

The art of individualism

We think there is too much symmetry in the world. From his early days, John Atencio challenged the many conventions in jewelry design to create a striking aesthetic that is now celebrated around the globe.