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All About Sapphires, September’s Birthstone

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All About Sapphires, September’s Birthstone

Regal and romantic, sapphires have long been associated with loyalty, nobility, purity and trust. One of the four precious gems, September’s birthstone brings velvety-blue tones to rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings, creating eye-catching pieces that elevate any ensemble.

The lore encompassing sapphires runs through countless cultures, with most associating the striking gems with fulfillment and joy. These days, September sapphires remain popular for their notable clarity, impressive hardness and depthless blue beauty.

Coveted for Centuries

For at least a millennium, sapphires have been associated with romance and royalty. In ancient Greece and Rome, kings and queens wore the gemstones for aesthetic and superstitious reasons, believing the beautiful blue stones would protect them from envy and physical harm.

Before the Renaissance, Christian clergymen wore the radiant gemstones to symbolize the Divine, and commoners believed that sapphires attracted heavenly blessings.

Over the centuries, all throughout the world, people prized sapphires, instilling the stones with the power to safeguard chastity, please the spirits, nurture peaceful relations with rivals, and unveil the mysteries of oracles.

This historical fixation was renewed during modern times when Great Britain’s Prince Charles gave Lady Diana a gorgeous blue sapphire engagement ring. Until her tragic accidental death over two decades ago, “Princess Di” captivated the world, and her breathtaking sapphire ring sparked a jewelry trend. That trend continues today, as sapphires remain one of the most popular gemstones in luxury jewelry pieces.

Incorporating Them into Your Look

When it comes to choosing an impactful sapphire jewelry piece, the options are endless. You can frame your beauty with a brilliant blue pair of stunning sapphire earrings. You can wreath your neckline with a breathtaking sapphire necklace or bedazzle your wrist with the heavenly hues of a glittering blue sapphire bracelet. You can mark monumental moments with a romantic blue sapphire ring. Set in white, yellow or rose gold, the striking gemstone provides an ethereal glow, especially when framed with scintillating diamond gems.

A Time-Honored Anniversary Gift

Every big anniversary demands a gift that's worthy of the occasion. A sapphire band is a traditional 5-year anniversary gift. September’s birthstone is strongly symbolic of loyalty, faithfulness and truth, all key attributes of an enduring 5-year commitment. While rings are the go-to choice, sapphire pendants and earrings also provide a compelling way to honor your first half-decade of marriage, whatever their birth month, whatever their style.

sapphire bracelet by john atencio

Are All Sapphires the Same?

While most people think of them as being deep blue, sapphires provide a variety of subtle color options. While many sapphires are pure blue, the stones can often range from greenish-blue to violetish blue. On the other hand, fancy sapphires are available in green, yellow, violet, pink, purple, orange, and an array of intermediate hues.

You can also find “particolored" sapphires with various color combinations. Some sapphires even have the ability to “change colors” from blue in the sunlight to purple under incandescent light. Sapphires can even be brown, gray or black.

Color has the biggest influence on a sapphire’s value, with more valuable gems having strong to vivid color saturation. Preferred in medium to medium-dark tones, the most valued sapphires typically range in color from violetish blue to velvety blue. These sapphires usually command the highest prices per carat. With that said, many people are surprised to learn that there are also sapphires available in rare colors such as orange.

Certain sapphires can also have zones of different colors and concentrations of one dominant color. As a result, the stones require very skilled cutters to ensure a higher quality gemstone. This is why it’s so important to shop at a reputable jeweler who only sources his stones from the finest providers.

Sapphire Clarity

Blue sapphires will usually have at least some inclusions, but they typically have clarity that’s superior to rubies. Blue sapphires with very high clarity are exceedingly rare, making them highly valuable.

Sapphires can have many kinds of subtle blemishes, including long thin mineral inclusions commonly called needles. Other clarity traits in sapphire gemstones include color banding, mineral crystals, color zoning and partially healed breaks that appear similar to fingerprints. Again, to ensure that you are getting a quality sapphire, it’s important to shop at a jeweler who sources their precious stones from the best available providers.

Coveted for their beauty and value, sapphires are popular in a diversity of luxury jewelry pieces, including engagement rings. At John Atencio, we offer an intriguing collection of breathtaking sapphire gemstones that artfully accentuate our beautifully imagined jewelry pieces. Visit one of our convenient locations and let our knowledgeable jewelry experts guide you to the ideal jewelry piece for yourself or that special someone on your shopping list.